Jean-Jacques Dzialowski was born on March 5, 1971 in Paris, the city where he still resides today. After a master’s degree in English at the Sorbonne, he turned to illustration and comics. At the end of the 1990s, he published illustrations and covers in the fanzine “Scarce”, which allowed him to become known to an audience of superheroes. In the early 2000s, he designed covers for “Kiwi” or “Mustang”, representing characters like Blek and Martin Mystère. He also draws several superhero stories in pockets linked to the Semicverse, on scenarios by Jean-Marc Lainé or Jean-Marc Lofficier. Passionate about comic books and superheroes, he comes into contact with American publishers, including Marvel and DC Comics. Jean-Jacques Dzialowski thus realizes episodes of Batman which will be collected and translated in an album published by Semic in 2004. For the young publisher Boom! Studios, he also draws episodes of the Fall of Cthulhu series , based on the stories and characters of HP Lovecraft. At Bamboo, the Groom Lake series written by Hervé Richez allows him to mix his comic influences with a more European approach. He also collaborated with Soleil in the collective album Les Mondes de Lovecraft , on texts by Patrick Renault.